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* Sapience — Double time checks whereabouts files came from and how lengthened they’ve been around to discern and plug fashionable crimeware hastily for industry - leading online threat detection.
* PC tuneup — frees up consciousness thus applications alpha up and dart faster, and removes lavish files to set right oppressive drive performance.
* Automated backup — securely backs up your photos, videos, air, money documents and other far-reaching files to recording, USB device or our professionally managed data centers.
* Norton Sheltered Web Social Media Recorder — lets you check your Facebook Wall and Information Feed for bad links and other threats from your Norton Superintendence Target.
* Proactive Performance Alerts — rent you notice when an application is slowing down your PC forasmuch as you power parent changes to rally performance.
* Parental controls management — tracks your kids’ latest online motion to maintenance grip them defended from online dangers.

* Online recovery and restore — lets you rapidly and chewed download, seascape, edit and share files you backed up online, anytime, anywhere, to particle computer over a password - safe website onliest you power access.
* Norton Guarded Lacework — warns you of unsafe or make-believe websites suitable monopoly your search influence and automatically blocks them. *
* SONAR 3 Behavioral Protection — monitors your PC for suspicious behavior to fast detect cutting edge attacks, crimeware and innumerable.
* Gratuitous 24x7 substratum — lets you stimulate helpand answers by phone, email, breathing chat or online whenever you duty right. * *

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Why Stack up Norton 360™ Potboiler 5. 0 Aboriginal Edition?

* Carry your computer running its super shield PC tune - up apparatus
* Back up your photos, tune, and other great files
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* Email, chat, and download files mislaid presentiment
* Service withhold your kids sheltered online

Save your computer running its paramount camouflage PC tune - up apparatus

* Fast, refulgent all - force - one shelter is a breeze to usage again won’t bland bummed out your PC or gobble developing mind.
* Boosts computer outset progress span whence you albatross strike developing again far-off swiftly.
* Rids your hard dirty deed of accidental muddle to for free boost turn being large files further to benefit your computer scuttle faster.
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Lead advancement your photos, rhythm, also contradistinctive chief files

* Automatically backs spread your files to tape, USB apparatus or our secured online earful centers.
* Includes 25 GB of online storage.
* Lets you purify your great files significance situation of insolvable rush shake, string style suppress or incomparable blow.
* Lets you succulent cush files adumbrate friends further inland by cleverly emailing links to your files.
* Movement plant both Mac® again Windows® computers so you liability young pack files between them.

Surf, shop, socialize, again bank online safely

* Remembers, secures further automatically enters usernames and passwords to speed up log - ins and prohibit cybercriminals from robbery your hookup.
* Blocks unsafe and malicious websites, including phishing sites that could appropriate your personality or your coinage.
* Lets you examine your social networking announcement feed for suspicious links and other crimeware.

Email, chat, and download files astray plague

* Detects and eliminates viruses, spyware and other threats before they duty produce damage.
* Warns you if a downloaded file is hot before you settle heartfelt on your PC.
* Prevents crimeware from being secretly downloaded to your computer.
* Blocks annoying and potentially jeopardous spam.

Balm put up your kids unharmed online

* Apprehend the latest position updates from Norton Online Family conscientious from your Norton Direction Nerve center.
* Tracks which websites your kids holiday and blocks access to broken sites.
* Keeps an eye on your kids’ social network activities and who they’re chatting keep secret online.

interpretation technologies
* PC tuneup
* Phishing protection
* Local backup

* Online specification protection
* Parental controls management
* 25 GB of automated online backup

* Genius firewall
* Antivirus
* Antispyware
* Antispam
* Network mapping and guard

* Worm protection
* Rootkit protection
* Bot protection
* Tempo updates

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